
How Long Did It Take To Lock?

lisa said... Leighann- Great blog.. I have learned a lot from it and you have beautiful SL's. I am just curious about your locking experience, when would you say you began locking? When did it finally lock from "root" to end? Thanks, again beautiful hair!


Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the compliments! You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Good thing you put "root" in quotes. As you know our roots, always being the new growth, are never fully locked. But to answer your question, since my hair is really soft and fine, I'm in the Took Forever to Lock category. My Sisterlocks looked like little braids for the longest! I'd say my locks finally started to look like locks at around the two year mark. (I'm at four and a half now.) Even now, I still have a few curly q's on the ends of my locks. Not a lot, but a few.

To be honest, a few folks will ask, "Are those braids?" But I can tell by they way they're asking, they know they're not braids, but just can't quite believe they're seeing such small locks.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooooo.. I've been published! Yay! Do you think I can add this to my resume?! ;-)
Thanks for the response, exactly what I was curious about, and your before and after pictures will be a constant reference point and reminder to be patient and hopeful!
SL date:3/20-21/06!!!Lisa